Places to see
“Places to see” is the category, where you can find different suggestions for what to see on your vacation in Antalya. There are suggestions for historical sites, places with beautiful scenery, places that characterize something special Turkish or for example beautiful architecture.
Turkey is a country teeming with so many beautiful places and exciting history. So it’s hard not to fall over something, you find interesting. Sometimes it just seems a little blurry, because there is so much – and in many directions. Here both distance and interest come into play. And especially in the Antalya area, there are an incredible number of places to see.
So here in this category, you will find many suggestions for excursions and sightseeing. Sometimes it requires a car. But usually it is also possible to arrive by bus, taxi or scheduled trips from the hotel. Fortunately in Antalya there are also a lot of things to see and explore right inside the city center, so you can easily get several days to go here.