January 1st. is undisputed my favorite day of the year. It is like you start on a fresh one – that everything is new and green and and about to begin (just not outside the window, ie :/ ). Yes, it sounds pretty silly, I realize, but I don’t think I’m the only one, who has it like that.

Spring privilege

Such a new year really sets new ground for reflection and inspiration in my world. There is room to think a little over the last year, how it went, what happened, something has to be changed, etc. And first of all, thoughts about what you want from the next year. What is needed for the coming year to be even better, filled with even more exciting, fun, challenging things than the year before?

Things get or rarely go as planned. But wishes and ideas are good to have. Also when it comes to my blog and Loveantalya 2019. And I still have many thoughts about it.

Inspiration and motivation:

It is certainly no secret that I didn’t posted anything for a long period this summer. I simply needed a break to enjoy the summer with my family. And then there was a little mess, when my computer finally had to let life down in the spring. It took a few months, before I had the opportunity to buy a new one in the same quality as the last one (one should not go down on equipment right?). So … all in all it took some time.

But the desire is still there – especially when I hear from all of you wonderful readers, and a few of you are even so “good” to give me a much needed kick, that now is the time to get started again. Juhu for you, because it just gives so much motivation. So a huge thank you 🙂

What will happen?

But what will happen on the blog in the next year. Yes, the time has to show, but first of all I must have control over the categories – that is where you can click in the right side of the blog.

The categories are one big mess and have really been from the start. I have simply never organized them properly, both because the blog (and the ideas) grew faster, than what I had just expected. But also because it is simply quite tecnical demanding to move them around, and I have never really got into it. So now it must be …


In fact I should do some spring cleaning to clear up, clear out and arrange. Not only in categories, but also in tags (the ones you can use as keywords) and in general just make multiple shortcuts and make the page easier to navigate in. If you have any ideas, please come with them. You have probably encountered several things that can be annoying, so please write to me 🙂

Recipes and Better Images:

The recipes are some of the things I know are used a lot. And they are, quite frankly, not that easy to find anything. So it has to be redone and split up. How, I do not know, but it probably comes to me. By type, ingredients or…. well ..


And then better pictures and photo equipment are a big wish on my list. So it is good timing, that I have birthday already in February, so there might be an opportunity there, if I’m lucky … So better food pictures, lights etc are a very big wish for 2019.

fyldte mini auberginer

And finally, I ‘m thinking a little about making a new category for travel outside Antalya. This is something I have been thinking about for many years, as we often travel elsewhere in Turkey than Antalya province – especially to the west coast. This summer we all went to Greece and it was really inspiring. Not least because we almost always live a bit primitive and try either to find small cunning places without many tourists, or great fine smart places, that can do it all. So maybe it could inspire you too, if you also like to travel in Turkey (or Europe for that matter. Because here there are also many ideas for the cities we have travelled to. Everything is, after all, well examined quite thoroughly beforehand ).


Loveantalya 2019:

The considerations also go in a completely different direction, but it is still only in my thought, so I would rather wait to reveal until I fully agree with myself about what should happen … but that is something that still has to do with Turkey and Antalya…

If you have more ideas for me that you miss, something you do not like, are difficult to find around, please write to me … the blog can only get better … and preferably together. Happy new year to you too … 🙂

Loveantalya 2019

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